Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome & First Individual Exercise

Welcome to the blog that I have set up for this class. I will be using this blog for a variety of individual and group activities and exercises throughout the semester, such as the "get your feet wet" exercise described below. This blog will also be used to post questions (and answers) that you will make up in preparation for the midterm and final exams. Finally, I may use this space for possible extra credit opportunities. Although I will be sure to remind you in class when you need to be checking this blog, let me also recommend that you get in the habit of checking it at least once or twice a week on your own.

FIRST INDIVIDUAL EXERCISE: Identify and briefly describe what you consider a significant idea or concept that you have encountered in any of the various sociology courses you have taken. Be sure to indicate which sociologist was responsible for this idea or concept and in what sense you believe it is significant or relevant. I am only looking for a couple paragraphs. This exercise is worth 5 activity points. Please post your comment by MONDAY, FEB. 13TH.