Wednesday, February 27, 2008

First Family Activity: Resurrecting Overlooked Concepts or Ideas

In covering the first four chapters in our text in class lecture, which we will have done by the end of next week, I have glossed over any number of concepts, ideas, arguments which you may have felt were significant and insightful. For this exercise I want each of the families to identify, discuss, and write up a brief description (no more than one page) of an overlooked concept, idea, or argument from the text. In your write-up you should briefly describe the concept, idea, or argument, tell why you believe it is significant, and how it relates to some aspect of what I have already presented in class. For example, if it was a point from Spencer, who we just covered, you should be able to relate it to something I did present about Spencer in class. Designate a spokesperson for your family who will present this to the class at some point in the near future (probably after we finish Chapter 4 in the text). I will give you some time in class next week to discuss this with your family members, but you may need to do a little work outside of class. Finally, I will consider each of the family submissions for possible inclusion on the midterm exam. This activity is worth 5 points, and I may consider some extra credit for those submissions I deem worthy of inclusion on the midterm.

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