Wednesday, April 28, 2010


As you did for the midterm exam, I want each family to make up FIVE short-answer questions for the final exam. These questions should come from the latter half of the course, which began with our first class after Spring Break on April 6th. In that class, I was wrapping up Marx and commenting on those 3 handouts I distributed before the break ("The Dot-Communist Manifesto," et. al.). Of course, don't forget to include in your review later handouts and blogged lecture notes, from which you can also make up questions. I will give you some time next week to brainstorm with your family members, but in the meantime you can begin to do this individually. As I did with the midterm, I will try to accept at least three questions from each family, and for each additional question I accept you will earn a bonus point. I will need these questions to be submitted NO LATER THAN NOON WEDNESDAY, MAY 12TH. I will make my selections and then post the questions (and answers) that will be on the final exam on FRIDAY, MAY 14TH, so you can have them to study from for the final exam, which is scheduled for TUESDAY, MAY 18TH FROM 9-12. This activity is worth 6activity points for all participating family members, plus whatever bonus points you may earn.

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