Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Family Activity: Making Up Questions for the Midterm Exam

I want each of the four families (listed below) to come up with FIVE short-answer questions for the midterm exam from anything we have covered since the beginning of the term, which would include mainly lecture notes, blog material, xerox handouts, and even Chapter 5 in the text (which I plan to get to next week). This is an exercise designed to put you in my shoes, so to speak, and consider what you believe students should know or be tested on from what we have covered in this course so far. I'll throw out some samples of short-answer questions in class, so you have some idea what I am looking for. But I can tell you what I do NOT want. I do NOT want open-ended, opinion questions, NO true-false or multiple-choice (but I will accept fill-in-the-blank). I will give the families class-time next Tuesday, 3/15 & Thursday, 3/17 to brainstorm some questions and come to a consensus on the best five questions. Each of the families will, then, submit to me in writing or via email your five (AND ONLY FIVE) questions AND ANSWERS. I will need these questions and answers NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MARCH 18TH BY NOON. I will try to select at least two questions from each family for inclusion on the midterm exam. For every additional question I select, that family will earn a bonus point and have the added benefit of knowing more of the questions on the exam. So, try to put some effort into this. I will post the questions and answers I selected on this blog no later than SUNDAY, MARCH 20TH, so you can study them in preparation for the midterm exam which will be given on TUESDAY, MARCH 22ND. This exercise is worth 7 points, and you must participate in order to earn these points.

FAMILIES: BLUE: Kelly Berry, Wilson Hood, Tim Johnson, Lauren Watts
GREEN: Kit Candler, T.J. Dill, Brianna Grant, William James
RED: Jamar Diggs, Holly Holladay, Peter McGiffin, Alex Rogers
ORANGE: Terry Martin, Katie McChesney, John Robinson, Stephanie Walrath

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