Friday, February 26, 2010

Out-of-Class Essay on Tuesday 3/2

This is just a reminder, mainly for those who were absent, that I will be handing out a write-up of our first OUT-OF-CLASS ESSAY at the beginning of class on Tuesday, March 2nd. I had originally planned to do this in-class, but I decided not to because I knew a couple people would have to leave class early. Nonetheless, it is probably better that we do it this way, because I am a bit behind in terms of class lectures. On Tuesday I will quickly wrap up Chapter 2 and plan to get through ALL of Chapter 3, so you should be that far in your reading in the text. As a hint, the topic will have to do with the two major (contrasting) views of societal evolution that are brought out in these two chapters. Finally, after I hand the topic out on Tuesday, you will have until CLASS TIME ON THURSDAY (MAR. 4TH) TO COMPLETE IT, so you should get right on it after I hand it out. It will be OPEN-NOTEBOOK, OPEN-BOOK, of course and it is worth 25 points.

See you next Tuesday.

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