Friday, March 12, 2010


For this family exercise I want each of the families (which I put on the board yesterday and also list at the bottom of this post) to come up with FIVE short-answer questions from anything we've covered in class and the text since the beginning of the term (xerox handouts included). Think of this as if you were teaching this class and had covered this material -- what would you consider important points to ask about. Use your class notes as a guide. Remember, by short-answer I do NOT mean true-false or multiple choice, although fill-in-the-blank is ok. I will give the families some time to confer on this next week, both Tuesday (3/16) and Thursday (3/18). I, then, want a family member to submit your five questions and answers NO LATER THAN NOON ON FRIDAY, MARCH 19TH. You may simply submit them to me via email or drop off a hard copy. I will then sort through these and try to select at least THREE questions from each family. For each additional question I accept, that family will earn a bonus point, so you may earn up to two bonus points for this exercise. I will then post the questions and answers I accepted on this blog by MONDAY, MARCH 22, so you will have them in plenty of time to study for the midterm on Thursday, March 25th. This exercise is worth 7 points, which all PARTICIPATING family members will earn, plus whatever bonus points.


Red Family: John R., Frances C., Sami N., Natalie D.

Green Family: Emily J., Kelsey L., Tomas M., Cameron R.

Blue Family: Jenny A., Jeremy M., Alan D., Melanie R., Marshall H.

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