Friday, April 29, 2011

Family Activity: Making Up Questions for the Final Exam

The families need to get working on making up questions for the final exam, as you did for the midterm. All of you should have a good idea of the kinds of questions I am looking for from having made up questions for the midterm and taken the midterm exam. The second half of the course begins with my "Making Amends II" notes posted on this blog on the second half of Chapter 5 on Marx and Engels. Of course, keep in mind that, especially during these past few weeks, my lecture notes have been posted on the blog. So, there is a lot of blog material from which you can make questions. Also, you may consider making up questions from the various xerox handouts I've distributed in class. I will give you time in class next week, both Tuesday 5/3 & Thursday, 5/5, to confer with your family members. I then want each family to submit FIVE questions and answers to me in writing or via email NO LATER TUESDAY, MAY 10TH BY 4PM. (THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE DEADLINE BECAUSE OUR FINAL EXAM IS SCHEDULED FOR THE FIRST DAY OF FINAL EXAM WEEK.) I will then select at least TWO questions from each family, and for each additional question I accept, that family will earn a bonus point, plus have the advantage of knowing more of the exam. I will then post the questions and answers I accept NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, MAY 12TH AT 1PM on this blog, so you will have this in plenty of time to study for the final exam. Each PARTICIPATING family member will earn 8 points for this exercise, with the possibility of earning bonus points.

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