Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Sociology 340
Essay I (re-write)

A. For anyone who wishes to, but especially for several of you who did poorly on this first essay assignment, I am going to give you an opportunity to re-write this essay and earn up to 5 points. What I want you to do is to re-write the essay in its entirety addressing my criticisms and incorporating aspects of a book review entitled, "Looking Past Number One," which I will hand out in class tomorrow (3/5) along with your graded essays. The review is of a book by the authors of "Habits of the Heart," and I believe it helps to reinforce the main point of the passage that was the focus of this essay assignment.

B. The due date for this re-write is THURSDAY, MARCH 12TH. I want you to hand in the original along with the re-write.

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