Monday, March 16, 2009

Family Questions for the Midterm

Below are the family questions I accepted from those submitted last week. You'll note that I have done some editing of the questions and answers. Remember, these questions will be on the midterm exam which is coming up this Thursday, 3/19.

YELLOW FAMILY ( Jessica G. Amanda, Claire, Justina) earn 4 points, plus one bonus point.

1. Describe DEDUCTIVE and INDUCTIVE reasoning, and which ONE of these two types of reasoning do sociologists use the most? (3)

ANSWER: Deductive proceeds from the general to the particular, whereas inductive proceeds from particular observations to some general explanation or generalization. Sociologists use inductive reasoning more.

2. How does Durkheim explain how in modern society individuals are more autonomous at the same time they are more dependent on society? (1)

ANSWER: The growth of the division of labor, which leads to greater specialization and greater dependence on others.

3. How did I suggest Spencer's view on the place of women in society reveals a serious weakness in his evolutionary and functional model of society? (2)

ANSWER: It puts him in the position of rationalizing the place of women in society, suggesting it is due to natural evolution rather than social custom.

GREEN FAMILY (Jessica H., Grant, Megan, Kristen) earn 4 points.

1. In regard to Comte's "conservatism," I noted that it was NOT a (a) _________________________ conservatism but a (b) ____________________________ conservatism. (2)

ANSWER: (a) reactionary or status quo
(b) anticipatory

2. Identify TWO of the three basics of Durkheim's "moral education," which he argued was ultimately necessary to ensure "orgnaic solidarity" in modern society. (2)

ANSWER: Any two of the following: (1) devotion to society or collective ideals, (2) discipline, (3) autonomy.

BLUE FAMILY (Frank, Courtney, Lewis, Matt, Natalie) earn 4 points.

1. What did I note was wrong with the definition of sociological theory presented in the text? (1)

ANSWER: The authors neglected to put SOCIOLOGICAL in bold print.

2. What "impossible obligation" did Max Weber point out in the context of the text's discussion of the relation between ideology and sociology? (1)

ANSWER: That it is impossible for sociologists to look at society with complete objectivity because we are part of society and have personal beliefs about it.

That's all for now. Remember that Essay I re-writes are due tomorrow (if you decide to do it. We will wrap up Chapter 5 on Marx and Engels and perhaps get a bit into Chapter 6, then review for the midterm.

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