Friday, April 25, 2008

Essay III & Final Family Activity

As promised yesterday, you'll see the description of our last essay assignment below. I do not intend to hand out a hard copy of it in class, so just refer to this blog post. The same goes for the final family activity described below, which is basically a replay of making up questions for the midterm, only now it is for the final exam.


Essay III

A. In the last section of the excerpt from Prof. Ahrens' lectures (3 copies of which are on reserve in the library), "Work and the Development of Corporate or Ordered Life: Part III Outer Organization and Structures of Modern Society (pp. 189-208), Ahrens presents a distinctive view of modern society and its potential to enhance human life. In this context, I want you to write an essay discussing what Ahrens sees as the potential of modern society for good. But since he also recognizes problems with modern society, I want you to identify ONE such problem. Finally, and briefly, based on Ahrens' view, what would you say the future of society holds; that is, do you see the good outweighing the bad or vice versa?

B. The essay should be roughly 3 pages (single-spaced handwritten or double-spaced typewritten). Be sure to give the page #(s) of any quotations from Ahrens' lectures which you cite in your essay. The essay is worth 25 points and is due on TUESDAY, MAY 6TH.


FINAL FAMILY ACTIVITY: This final family activity will involve making up questions from the latter half of the course for the final exam. The second half begins with class lectures on Chapter 6: Lenin & Luxemburg. Remember that you should make up SHORT-ANSWER questions and they should come from what we covered in class. I want each family to make up THREE (and only three) questions to submit to me, along with the answers of course. Each participating family member will earn 7 points for this exercise (7 points because we need to have a total of 25 such activity points for the semester). I will try to accept at least one question from each family; for each additional question I accept, that family will earn one bonus point. I will give you some class time next week to discuss this with your family members. The deadline for submitting these questions will be TUESDAY, MAY 6TH.


Regarding the overlooked concepts and ideas, I will post brief summaries of the families' summaries that were submitted yesterday, along with your proposed question (if I can revise a couple of them). Look for this on the blog on MONDAY.

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