Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Family Activity: Resurrecting Overlooked Concepts or Ideas II

As I have been hinting at in class, I have decided to go back to a family exercise we did during the first half of the course as described more specifically on the blog post for FEB 27th. Please refer to that post for the details of this new family activity. The only difference will be that you have much more material from which to draw. For this family activity you may choose an overlooked concept or idea from Chapter 5 thru Chapter 16 (which we'll get to next week). You are also welcome to draw from chapters in the text which we glossed over. I may give you some time tomorrow (Thurs. 4/17) to begin brainstorming and some additional time next Tuesday. We'll aim for next Thursday (4/24) to present your overlooked idea or concept to the rest of the class and turn in a brief write-up describing it, as well as a proposed short-answer question based on it, for which you may get a point extra credit if I choose to include it on the final exam. The activity itself is worth 5 points, as before.

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